Rewards program
The Energy Credits program we have developed in conjunction with Global NRG Ltd is unique and proving very popular and well supported.

So much so, that we don't see why we shouldn't expand it into a rewards program where participating merchants, products and services can reward you for supporting their business by giving you a rebate off the sale in the form of Energy Credits.

After all who doesn't want to reduce the payment on their next energy bill?

We are building the backbone and will email you details once its up and running and the names of  those businesses that have joined the program. Meantime we will email you the names of the individual businesses as they join so that you can add more free Energy Credits to your Energy Credits bank.

Each NRG Credit Point will be deemable for 1 cent of Energy Credit once you have accumulated 3000 worth of NRG Credits which will buy you a $30 Credit into your nominated energy account.
You earn 1 NRG Credit for every dollar you spend with our sponsors, so it's not hard to quickly accumulate NRG Credits.

Membership is free and you can join at