We appreciate that people will feel more comfortable about putting up the $100 refundable deposit if they know it's secure and risk free, and we appreciate that there is always a chance someone may default on their contract due to changing trading conditions, so we have taken out a group insurance covering all allocations that protects both the refundable deposits and the electricity supply payments that generate from the Energy storage.

The refundable deposit you lodge against each allocation of renewable energy is a credit due to you, as well as the Energy Credits  that flow from supplying the electricity, our Energy Credit Insurance protects you and us against the failure of the energy customers to pay the outstanding Energy Credits, and the return of the refundable deposits that belong to you.

The premium for this insurance is paid for by the Club out of our earnings. Each allocation owner receives a certificate of insurance indemnifying you against any loss for both the deposit and delivery of the Energy Credits.
